• Ordinary Members of the I.O.J.D.A Association must have resided in Lightning Ridge or the surrounding area, for at least six (6) months, and must reside in Lightning Ridge or the surrounding area, for at least six (6) months of each calendar year.
• The Executive Committee of the I.O.J.D.A. Association must be permanent residents of Lightning Ridge or the surrounding area, and must reside in Lightning Ridge or the surrounding area, for at least nine (9) months in each calendar year.
• Associate members are not entitled to attend or vote at General Meetings of the association, including the annual general meeting. Associate members do not need to be Lightning Ridge residents. Known as “Friends of I.O.J.D.A”, associate members will pay 50% of the membership fee.
• Life members
a) Members are eligible for election to Life Membership if the following requirements are met;
(i) The member has rendered outstanding service to the association and has exhibited exceptional, unusual or distinguished merit.
(ii) The member has been elected to Life Membership by a resolution, carried by two thirds majority of those present and voting at a general meeting,
follow the submission of a recommendation for Lightning Ridge membership to such meeting from the Committee of Management.
b) A person elected as a Life Member shall be relieved from payment of a membership subscription or levies but shall have all the rights and privileges of ordinary members.
• Honorary members
a) Honorary Membership without payment of any subscription may be granted by the Committee of Management to any person over the age of sixteen (16) years provided s/he is one of the following;
(i) Any representative or prominent citizen visiting the district for so special occasion.
(ii) A member of one of the Houses of Parliament of New South Wales of the Commonwealth of Australia.
b) The board shall have the power to cancel the Honorary Membership of any person at any time without assigning any reason.
Please submit a membership form with payment of $20 for Full membership or $10 for Associate membership